Mr. Smith Goes to Dartmouth

Dartmouth University, like most prestigious institutions of higher learning, has long been a bastion of political correctness, leftist intellectualism, and bureaucratic bloat. But in recent years, that hegenomy has been shaken by change at the top. Three outsiders have been elected to the board of trustees, on the strength of alumni voters who are disgusted with what the university has become.

Now a fourth “change” candidate is threatening to come on board. The administration, as expected, is waging a campaign to derail this latest interloper, but it’s a little awkward. The candidate, you see, is a self-made, highly successful black man, Stephen Smith.

Among Mr. Smith’s planks is his commitment to restoring genuine freedom speech on the campus:

A marketplace of ideas cannot flourish as long as self-censorship casts its pall over the Dartmouth campus and the price of speaking out may be bullying by the College administration or official discipline.

Voting by the alumni is currently underway. Good luck, Mr. Smith!

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